Monday, February 16, 2009

Anyone heard of this?

Apparently, Albinos in Tanzania have a hell of a good reason to hightail it out of there: gangs of men regularly massacre albinos and hack off arms, legs, and even genitals (!) and run away with them, according to this New York Times article.

Last spring, he said, he began to hear about albinos in Tanzania being murdered for their body parts. More than 40 have been killed since 2007, sometimes right in front of their families, by gangs of men who hack off legs, heads or genitals and run away with them.

In the last two years, rumors have spread in East Africa that potions made with albino blood, shoes made of albino skin, tendrils of albino hair woven into fishing nets and amulets with albino body parts will make people rich.

Traditional healers have told an undercover BBC reporter posing as a businesswoman that they could get her an albino corpse for $2,000.

This is the kind of seriously deranged stuff that makes Africa such a shithole in terms of global opinion to begin with. Massacres, genocides, retarded cultures ... Jeez. People gotta stop asking why no-one wants to help them. Take a wild guess.

Not that the West was much better with 'witches' though ... Or Blacks ... or Gypsies ...

Really weird freaky stuff.


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