Thursday, February 26, 2009

Today's equation: "Westboro + Plattsburgh = not again ..."

Thy Heathens are back once more: Westboro is returning to Plattsburgh, New York, for the first time since their last picket in the area in 2005 to picket then-mayor Dan Stewart, who was openly gay. Now they're back to picket the Laramiere Project, a play about poor Matthew Shepherd, the gay student who was murdered in 1998 by filthy homophobes.

PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. - Anti-gay protesters from Kansas are coming to Plattsburgh again.

The group are members of the Westboro Baptist church headed by Fred Phelps.

The Westboro Baptist group was in Plattsburgh in 2005 to picket then mayor Dan Stewart who is openly gay.

This time the picketers will be at Plattsburgh state.

Details are a little sketchy as you can see (not that much more needs to be known). The Plattsburgh police say they are ready for them, with specifically-chosen spots they can picket at that'll place them as far as possible from the other, sane folk attending the play. Phelps, the leader, plans to send six members to spend an hour and a half picketing their disgusting beliefs.


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