Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New York Senator Schumer: now pro-Gay Marriage!

A fine event has recently happened in Manhattan: New York Democratic Senator Charles Schumer has just changed his views on Gay Marriage. After many years of being fervently against same-sex marriages, he's now a proponent, and he convened a meeting in a fancy Manhattan restaurant to announce just that. The reaction? 'The room applauded', according to an attendant.

The reversal marked a significant shift for the Democratic senator and gave further momentum to gay marriage in New York, where every other statewide Democratic official supports such unions.


"At this point we have a fair amount of knowledge that supporting gay marriage in the Northeast is not the kiss of death politically" that it could be as recently as a decade ago, said Lee Badgett, director of the Center for Public Policy and Administration at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and research director at the Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy at UCLA.

If anything, Schumer's support for gay marriage is likely to bolster momentum for legalizing gay marriage in New York, where a gay marriage bill passed the Assembly in 2007.

Again, fantastic news for New York, now that much closer to eventually – some distant day – passing a same-sex marriage bill like Vermont just did. Aah, the joys of when Democrats stick to liberal ideals ... so refreshing.


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