Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Protesters decry 30-feet-limit distance from Scientology compound

Man, anytime anyone tells anyone else to fuck off, you can basically set your watch by the prediction that the person being told to sodomize themself will cry out "Freedom of Speech!" like a true ignorant imbecile. This is another one of those cases: a bunch of presumably bored and self-righteous protesters in Riverside, California, are complaining about a new law that prohibits protesters and assorted riffraff from getting any nearer than 30 feet from a private residence's boundaries. A detail worth mentioning: the residence in question they're attempting to picket is part of the Church of Scientology.

Reporting from Riverside -- Protesters targeting a Church of Scientology compound near Hemet now face stricter limits on how they can conduct demonstrations, according to a new ordinance adopted Tuesday by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors.

The measure, which critics say violates the 1st Amendment and gives the church special treatment, requires anyone protesting near private residences to stay at least 30 feet from the property line.

Graham Berry, a lawyer and one of the protesters, told the board that the ordinance "does not pass constitutional muster."

"It is vague, ambiguous and unenforceable," he said.

Clearly this Graham Berry, in addition to being a meddling fool, is an incompetent and ignorant one at that. What exactly is 'vague, ambiguous and unenforceable' about 'Stay away from any private residence by at least 30 feet'? Some lawyer.

Of course, some would cry out 'there's a difference!' because it's a domain of Scientology they're protesting out; I call 'bullshit'. Sure, Scientology is as ridiculous a religion-slash-cult as they come, but I don't see what's so horrible about them or their practices to warrant morons picketing at their doors whenever they feel like. Perhaps if they kidnapped and ate babies for lunch and had a 'fur-only' policy I'd be inclined to let them be swamped by angry protesters, but if they're minding their own damned business and aren't hurting anyone, there's simply no reason to picket.

Unlike what that moronic Berry states, this has absolutely nothing to do with Freedom of Speech, which is only about allowing people to speak their minds, and has everything to do with Freedom of Privacy/Intimacy (whichever word fits best) – those idiots can say and picket whatever they like, as long as they just don't make a freakin' scene and disturb people. In my book, Freedom of Speech and whatever ends when it starts infringing on the rights of others, no matter whom it may apply to/for, and that's final.


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