Sunday, May 03, 2009

Removing all signs of professional duty and liability from pharmacies, one step at a time

The government has reached yet a new low in civil rights and responsibilities: a new shitty bill has just been passed in Missouri that basically removes any and all legal and professional duty and liability from pharmacies in the state, allowing them to refuse prescription drugs to patients that "might result in abortions" just because they don't agree with it. It's yet another blow to reason and sanity by those damned anti-abortionists, and it's a heavy one, folks.

Here's the full content of this crass amendment:

338.575. 1. No licensed pharmacy in this state shall be required to perform, assist, recommend, refer to, or participate in any act or service in connection with any drug or device that is an abortifacient, including but not limited to the RU486 drug and emergency contraception such as the Plan B drug.

2. No civil or criminal cause of action shall accrue against a pharmacy due to a refusal to perform, assist, recommend, refer for, or participate in any act or service in accordance with subsection 1 of this section.

3. No board, commission, or other agency or instrumentality of this state shall deny, revoke, suspend, or otherwise discipline the license of a pharmacy, nor shall it impose any other condition of operation due to a refusal to perform, assist, recommend, refer for, or participate in any act or service in accordance with subsection 1 of this section.

4. No pharmacy shall be denied or discriminated against in eligibility for or the receipt of any public benefit, assistance, or privilege of any kind due to a refusal to perform, assist, recommend, refer for, or participate in any act or service in accordance with subsection 1 of this section.

Yep, that's right. Doctors who just don't care to help you with your "little problem" can just turn you away, just like that, completely disregarding your demands and even any physician-ordered prescriptions you may already have, thanks to this travesty of a bill. Also, you can't sue them or get any sort of retribution or justice, seeing as it's now officially part of the law. You want an abortion? Better go someplace else, assuming you're able to. You're not gonna get any sort of help in Missouri, other than perhaps "underground" clinics – or if you come across the rare doctor who's actually willing to help you.

But that's not even the biggest problem. The most troubling issue with this horrible law is it's vagueness – worded like that, any drug that has the slightest risk of ever causing an abortion or miscarriage can be prohibited, and as the bill so outrageously states, this also supposedly includes "Plan B" pills. You know, pills girls take a short while after having sex to try and reduce chances of falling pregnant? Those pills have absolutely nothing to do at all with abortion or miscarriages, yet there they are in plain typeface in that horrid description for that fascist excuse for a bill.

What a disgusting travesty of a law. I really wouldn't wanna be a woman in Missouri right now. Those who are there had better begin organizing massive rallies and picketings if they ever intend to get their elementary right to pharmaceutical drugs back.


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