Friday, May 22, 2009

Republican denialism, take three ... thousand

Yet another (*yawn*) case of Republicans denying they're doing anything wrong ... In this case, it's Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele who, while giving a speech to Republicans about how they're due for a "comeback" (and dear God do they need one), pretty much wipes their credibility away anew:

The era of apologizing for Republican mistakes of the past is now officially over. It is done. We have turned the page, we have turned the corner. No more looking in the rearview mirror. From this point forward, we will focus all of our energies on winning the future.

Um ... When exactly has the Republican party ever – ever – started apologizing for its crankery and stupid acts and misconduct? All they've ever done for years is defend Bush's bankrupt policies and pathetic excuse for leadership, among other things, while laying 100% of the blame on those stupid no-good Liberalz. An "era for apologizing for Republican mistakes" cannot end if it's never even begun – and likely never will.

(via Dispatches from the Culture)


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