Saturday, March 21, 2009

Vox Day gets creamed (again) by Orac – and it's a beautiful thing

Surely many people have heard of Theodore Beale, the misogynist, arrogant and fundamentally scientifically-ignorant game designer and author who parades around as "Vox Day" and poses as some sort of authority on the economy and such? He's the kind that thinks possessing a high IQ somehow makes him correct in whatever he says as though he were a divinity of sorts or something. Which curiously contradict his rather spotty track record, but let's not go there. (Hint: he denies Evolution. QED.)

Anyway, recently he posted a blog entry attacking science and vaccination (yes, he's one of those bloody antivaccinationist retards) and posted all sorts of hilariously faulty claims, and once again mentioned his high IQ as somehow making his claims arguments from authority. Apparently, genius here fails to realize intelligence is no guarantee of logic, knowledge, or even basic understanding and comprehension, as his post so laudably exposes. Vox demands respect yet apparently doesn't get the notion that one isn't respected because they've got an advantage in the bell curve of IQ test scores. People are respected when they earn it. Being a diehard blowhard and a presumptuous asshole isn't good enough grounds. Sorry, Vox.

Anyway, enough about him (sorta). The point is I spent most of last night reading a fantastic entry from Orac over at Respectful Insolence, a post with arguably one of the best titles of all time, where he dissected Vox Day's post with such relentless and merciless vigor, intellect and reason there really isn't much to be said about it following his writing. It's always fun to see what happens when a pretentious know-nothing know-it-all like Vox Day is truly and wholly decimated and utterly crushed in his claims – this is the sort of stuff that makes blogs worth reading. I'd blockquote the interesting bits, but frankly, the whole thing is a must-read for anyone who has even a marginal interest in science, medicine, or just seeing pompous pricks get skewered by plain ol' facts and reason. Such a lovely thing to come across.


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