Saturday, April 11, 2009

HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. Please Help. – HR-669 bill to illegalize all exotic animals in America!

Not less than soon after I finish giving myself a lecture about how the banning of certain wild cat ownership is largely unfounded, I get sent this urgent message from my chameleon breeder.

Anyways, I was made aware of a bill, that if passed, will affect all chameleon hobbyist. In a few words, chameleons along with other non-native pets will be banned. The Youtube video posted in the link below explains things much better.

Well that's just brilliant. More fascist propositions suggested from an unknown 'special interest group' (I'd REALLY like to know WHO), most likely 'left' leaning. Simply put, this just breaks my soul, and my hopes that they would overturn any illogical animal bans in other states. Because people are STILL trying to ban me from even owning an chameleon, no matter how fucking impossible it is that such an animal would harm the environment here, the animal itself, or whatever. These people will just coldly allow my life's passion to cease to exist, and for what? How many animals are actually harmful to the environment? I happen to know that a law that would restrict iguana ownership in Florida might be helpful, because those animals are running a muck down there (ironically, you can own tigers in many parts of FL) given the climate. I can understand banning/restricting monk parakeets, which have been highly successful in propagating even up in the frigid north. But to ban EVERYTHING? How on Earth could this be justified? Don't we have any rights?? PLEASE, follow this link and send a letter to your local legislators if you live in the US. I'm telling you this ban will include animals such as HAMSTERS, fish, and birds. So I won't even go on how banning fennec foxes is ludicrous since they pose zero threat, because now us animal enthusiasts are REALLY in trouble now.

So help, unless you agree with this ban, in which case take it up with me. I'll try not to use expletives/threats -_-

Hey, Joé here, intruding for a moment. Below is the aforementioned YouTube video.

Details on the bill.
• Visit the anti-HR-669 website.

So in case you haven't figured this out: if you are an American and you own a clownfish or a zebrafish, an iguana or chameleon, a parrot or a parakeet, a fennec, a hamster or gerbil, then this affects you. Clearly: ANYONE who owns ANY animal that doesn't originally come from the US – ie. any animals that come from elsewhere but were brought to the US later when people became interested in them – will be affected by this HR-669 bill. It will be illegal to own these animals. It will be illegal to breed these animals, or to transport them. Basically, the only legal thing left, will be killing them. And that's exactly what law enforcement will to do anyone's animals that they find if the bill is passed. Any animals that loosely fits in the category of 'exotic' is in imminent danger.

Sorry for usurping Melissa's post, but this is too much. What a very sad day when bullshit like this horrendous and appalling bill make it to the legislature. I personally doubt it will get anywhere near finalized and approved – for fuck's sake, the gov't would see half the country turn on them in an instant, it would be no more than guaranteed political suicide, mass riots, a full-blown nightmare – but then, with the number of idiots in the world ... (Such as the abysmally stupid Democrat who now shames us all good liberals.)

For crissakes, anyone reading this, get out there and SAY NO!! Banning hamsters and fennecs and iguanas? Some of the most harmless creatures on the planet? What the FUCK?


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