Thursday, May 21, 2009

When the undead attack, we'll let you know

Well, okay, maybe not all police services are closed off to the public until the next police brutality scandal or corruption charges. Some actually do take public awareness to heart and warn us of whatever dangers – of whatever form – may abound. Take the Boston PD for example: they've stated, via their Twitter feed, that they would be sure to warn Bostonians (and anyone following the feed) the moment zombies start attacking.

It all started last night with a mundane "injured officer" report:

INJURED OFFICER: Officer from district 4 transported to Beth Israel Hospital, human bite to arm, suspect in custody.

Twitter user willcady used the opportunity to ask the police a burning question:

@Boston_Police if that was a zombie bite, would you tell us?

The police, setting the gold standard for government transparency, answered him:

@willcady Yes, absolutely

First, I wish to congratulate the Boston P.D. for their incredible frankness and openness towards the public. It's not every day you hear about officials who are willing to let one know the next time an undead epidemic arises. Ask anyone who ever lived in Raccoon City. (Assuming anyone is still alive and not zombified there by now.)

Second, you know you've made it as a cop when your injuries include being chomped on hard enough to send you to the hospital.

And third (and lastly) ... The Boston PD has a Twitter feed?

(via Pharyngula)


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