Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Crackergate redux?

Of course you're familiar with Crackergate, right? When a student innocently took a communal wafer to a friend without eating it, and was then ostracized and found himself in the middle of a huge fiery scandal, even receiving multiple death threats?

Well, I wonder how people will react to this new incident when Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper surreptitiously pocketed a communal host instead of eating it at Roméo LeBlanc's funeral mass.

A senior New Brunswick Roman Catholic priest is demanding the Prime Minister's Office explain what happened to the sacramental communion wafer Stephen Harper was given at Roméo LeBlanc's funeral mass.

During communion at the solemn and dignified service held last Friday in Memramcook for the former governor general, the prime minister slipped the thin wafer that Catholics call "the host" into his jacket pocket.


Monsignor Brian Henneberry, vicar general and chancellor in the Diocese of Saint John, wants to know whether the prime minister consumed the host and, if not, what happened to it.

If Harper accepted the host but did not consume it, "it's worse than a faux pas, it's a scandal from the Catholic point of view," he said.

Henneberry said a statement from the Prime Minister's Office is in order.

Christ, the nutjobbery ...

One good thing could come out of this for Harper though: instant fame! Even PZ Myers is inviting the Prime Minister to call him to discuss proper disposal of said cracker. That's one thing PZ's shown himself to be remarkably good at.


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