Thursday, February 05, 2009

As if Global Warming wasn't bad enough already ...

New studies suggest that the estimated oceanic water level rise that will be caused by the melting polar ice caps may likely be even higher than predicted. Whereas originally we thought it would've "only" been around 16 to 17 feet, newer estimates state it may be as much as 21 feet or more. Just great.

Newer estimates take into account previously unconsidered factors, such as the gravity exerted on the oceans by the ice caps, or the fact that the rock compressed under said ice caps will rebound and push the oceans to higher levels. The melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheets may also slightly affect the Earth's rotational trajectory, which could push the oceans northwards somewhat.

So, at least we'll have lots to drink to counter Global Warming's desertification effects. Perhaps in the end, we really have nothing to worry about.

Source: Newsweek News: 'Sea level rise may be worse than expected'.


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