Friday, February 06, 2009

Italy smothers a comatose woman's wishes to die

Once again, the assholes in charge show they're the ones who decide whether you die as you wish or if you get to keep living in a comatose state indefinitely. In Italy, a woman named Eluana Englaro, who has been in a vegetative state for nearly 17 years and shows no signs of ever waking up, is being kept alive by force against her will now that an emergency decree has been forced through Friday that prevents doctors from removing a vegetative state patient's feeding tube, which is what hooks her to life. Eluana has been at the center of the national Italian controversy on the right to die.

Eluana was 20 when a car crash stuck her with irreparable brain damage. You read that, fools? *Irreparable*. Say she wakes up. I doubt she'd be pleased to find herself stuck in a wheelchair, unable to keep her drool in her mouth. And that's if she's able to cogitate at all.

A person has the complete and total control over what happens to their body, and no self-righteous imbeciles should ever be given the allowance to take that control away from them. If someone wants to be let off life-support and pass away peacefully, it's their right. This is a stupid controversy that never should exist to begin with. If Eluana's wishes were to be let off in peace if it became clear she wouldn't emerge, bloody well DO IT. Keeping her alive is basically backstabbing her and violating her last wishes.


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