Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The end of chiropractic quackery in Britain?

Well, there's one reason to be happy about the scandal revolving around Simon Singh's prosecution for "slander" (and I shall keep those quotes in place until such a time where someone can prove that calling chiropractic medicine "bogus", as per Singh's words, is in any way false) and the whole mess about the incredible anti-libel laws operating in Britain which stifle accurate scientific skepticism and critical thinking: British chiropractors left, right and center are running about in a panic, pulling the plug on all chiropractic quackery websites. Why? Because it would seem chiropractors are making "claims for treatment that cannot be substantiated with chiropractic research". It would seep people are becoming aware that quackery is ... well, bad.

Here is a copy of the letter that's been issued from the McTimoney Association, a prevalent association of chiropractors and quacks in Britain, to all its members and associates. I won't post it all because it's rather lengthy, but here's the fun bit to read:

Because of what we consider to be a witch hunt against chiropractors, we are now issuing the following advice:

The target of the campaigners is now any claims for treatment that cannot be substantiated with chiropractic research. The safest thing for everyone to do is as follows.

  • If you have a website, take it down NOW.
  • Why, doesn't that just warm your heart up? They think it's a "witch hunt" ... How wonderful. :P

    Well, that seems to be it for British chiropractic quackery ... how 'bout reason come over here to the U.S. and Canada now? =(


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